Have you ever had a week where literally everything in your life is coming to a head? That is this week for me. I have so much I need to do at work, time intensive assignments and quizzes in every class, the second of three huge tests in a class that tells medical schools whether or not they should take me, and let's not forget that my "I can only run one mile without ralphing" self signed up to run a 5K, which I should really be training for! On top of that, after a few weeks of blessed relief, some of my IC symptoms are returning. Now, that sounds like the classic recipe for a major Anna meltdown if you ask me. However, this week a meltdown would just be an epic waste of time.
I feel like this is going to be a true test of the changes I am trying to make in my attitude and the way I live my life. I don't just want to get through it without killing someone, I want to succeed at managing my stress. That means I am going to have to make every moment count and have purpose. I need to prioritize, keep a cool head and be extra careful not to turn into Medusa when, inevitably, something doesn't go how I need it to. I have to set aside my graduate degree in procrastination and face work that I don't want to do head on. Through all of this, and most importantly, I want to remain kind to my friends, family and J, and remember that the universe doesn't revolve around my world.
This being said, I need to stop writing and get to work! At least Aggie likes to keep me company while I study, although her side-eye tells me she is "sooo over" biochemistry too.
Okay, missy. I'm a big, fat 52-year-old who just finished her 3rd 5K in 6 months. No, I couldn't run the entire thing (YET) but it's going to happen. Look into the Bridge to 10K training program (the step after Couch to 5K). I plan to run the entire distance in my next race. If I can do it......